An overbearing mother. A slap in the face. The end of a young romance.
Sound like anyone you know? Or is Brittani Senser's "After Love" video, which co-stars Levi Johnston, just a coincidence, rather than art imitating life?
"Yeah, it plays in with his life. It also plays in with mine," Britt says of her video's hunk, who very possibly got his ass dumped by Bristol Palin over it.
Senser is honest about why she cast Johnston specifically.
"We added Levi because he's handsome - and we thought we'd get a few hundred thousand Youtube hits," says Senser. "We had no idea it would become this grand-scheme publishing phenomenon that it's become in the last few weeks."
In the video, Levi Johnson and Brittani play a couple on the verge of a breakup due to the meddling ways of her slap happy, on-screen mother. A thinly-veiled shot at a former V.P. candidate? Bristol Palin certainly thought so. Peep it post-jump ...
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